Seasonal Gifts

The transition from summer to fall has always been a difficult one for me.  I mourn the loss of summer’s gifts. Beach weather,  bare feet in sandals,  berry picking with friends,  billowy linen shirts, blooming flowers and  long summer evenings are all greatly missed.  And I am especially wistful when a walk to the town green  finds my favorite fountain turned off till next spring.

.                                 very wistful …..

I am not exactly sure why a brief melancholy sets in. Maybe it’s a carryover from childhood, when this particular change of season signaled the start of restless days in school.

I don’t mean to whine or complain.  My Fall blues do not last.  And it’s not that I don’t recognize the lovely gifts of Fall,  my daughter was born in the Fall.  In fact once Fall is in full swing….right about now…..I start to  really enjoy the season.

Most people enjoy the Fall in its full parade of color.  But I start to enjoy it when the colors are more yellow than red  and when there are more leaves on the ground than on the trees.  It’s then that I can view the beautiful and amazing  architecture of  trees.  In kindergarten my daughter  described it as seeing the “bones of the tree”.  I couldn’t have said it better.


All day today I kept noticing  how beautiful the trees were looking.  In New England the trees have shed most of their more flashy Fall wardrobe.   However, the sun sitting low in the  early evening sky  highlights  their late-Fall charms.

My daughter’s birthday is right around the corner.  And predictably, Fall feels comfortable again, just like it does every year at this time.

…. Maybe it’s a carryover from motherhood, when the birth of my daughter signaled a new season in my life.  Today, I am gratefully reminded that each season has its gifts.

Life is fine,


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